Настройтесь морально, через месяц вы увидите результат, который навсегда влюбит вас в английский язык. Советуем сразу поставить цель и запланировать куда вы приложите новые знания.

Присоединяйтесь к нам, и вы убедитесь, что «Эверест» в виде английского языка легко вам покорится.
умеют вдохновить не хуже тренера олимпийской сборной
Определим ваш уровень английского
Расскажем о нашей методике и гарантиях
Составим план достижения вашей цели
бесплатный урок
В Love English Club работают не просто преподаватели.
Это мотиваторы, коучи, новаторы, достижения которых говорят сами за себя
Самая значимая для нас награда – самые высокие оценки нашей работы от наших студентов и выпускников
Екатерина Димитренко
Last month I started to learn English second time in my life. First time was in school of course.

I like English. I think, English language is very important language in the modern world. Once, when I had a rest abroad, a man asked me: "Why Russians don't learn English?" And I think: "How many people speak English in the world?" … More than one billion people can speak or understand this language. In the world of the developed Internet and social networks English is a must to everyone! English is important for communication between people from different country. If you are interested in science you must know that articles on important topic published in English. And we all need to know English even when the shampoo label read. As for me personally, I need English for travel. I like travel very much and hope to visit France, Italy, Canada, USA and another country. Our world is so BIG. My cousin Svetlana with her family lives in USA. And I wish our children will meet once. By the way about my children I hope I will be an example for them in learning English. And we could organize an English day on Sunday. I want to say again: "I love English". And I hope to love this more and more.
Юлия Аксенова
Hello everyone who reads this essay! I am Julia Aksenova and I am 23 years old. I came to your school on the advice of my friend, who is your employee (teacher). Nastya Lobanova I say hello to you! :). I also read a lot of good reviews and loved your Instagram! I love watching your Instagram stories, I always find out there something useful for myself!

When I was a schoolgirl, I also studied English with a tutor. But I was always bored in class. My tutor taught me by standards and a textbook. I was reluctant to do my homework, to put it in two words — boring and tiring. After leaving school, I hated English because I had no desire to learn it, it seemed to me so uninteresting.

When I ended university, I had a lot of free time and I decided to give English a second chance! And I'm so glad! Because now I like to study it! I enjoy talking with the teacher in English throughout the lesson. Because I love to chat! And to combine business with pleasure is always good! By the way, since childhood, I have a dream to go to America! All my childhood I listened to American music! I loved Bieber and thought that he lived in America, haha, only when I grew up I found out that he was from Canada. But Bieber became the motivation for visiting America. My childhood dream still lives on in me. Now I look at different bloggers from Russia who moved to America. And I love their life so much. This is the motivation for me. I am learning English because I MUST to visit America! Dreams must come true, especially childhood dreams!

My English has changed a lot in a few months of studying this at school! I can talk and understand! Incredibly looking forward to going overseas to practice there!

In general, thank you very much, my dear school!

Your Julia

Have a nice day! :)
Андрей Шаркунов
At some point in my life, I realized that I needed to start learning English. Since I work in IT and I need English in my profession. I came to this school because I had already studied here before. I study English for a possible move to another country for work and in order to travel the planet without any problems without a language barrier. After three months of study, I learned a lot of new words, remembered the basic constructions of the English language. It has become easier to communicate with the technical support of the site where the company's servers are located. It wasn't easy before. My English is changing gradually, now I feel that I can explain the way or just keep up a conversation on simple topics, read books and technical literature, since there is very little technical literature in my profession in Russian, I need to know English.
Богдан Сыпков
I came to this English school because my friend recommended it to me, and also because my English was at zero before attending this school. I want to learn English for my future profession, for traveling. Nothing has changed in my life since learning English, but learning English is quite fun at this school. During my studies at this school, my English has changed a lot, from zero to a level that I hadn't even thought about before. My result is not very high yet, but it is very significant for me. Learning English has already become something more than just entertainment
Максим Казаков
English is now the most popular language to learn in the world. It is learnt by 1,5 million people including me. And here are some reasons why.

-Healthcare. English is a way for doctors to communicate with foreign colleagues and to improve their qualifications. Also a lot of medical technologies are made using English, so it is important in medicine.

-Life and work conditions. If you speak English you have much more abilities for getting a job. Most employers require speaking English because that gives abilities to work with foreigners and computer technologies. Also, it is better to travel knowing English, because it is the international language.

-Family and neighborhood. If you speak English you can have more friends because English makes communication easier. You can talk to people on the internet and make new friends.

-Relationship and love. If you speak English, you can meet more nice people and make good relationships with them because English may help to find them and understand each other if you speak different languages.

-Children. A lot of people now want their children to speak English besides their native language because this will help them in the future. It is possible to make your child speak it fluently if you surround him with English. But to do that you should speak it by yourself.

-Spirituality and knowledge. English helps to explore yourself and the world. There is a nice quote: "To have another language is to possess a second soul." And think it's true. English develops your brain very much.

-Personal development. I think that English may help with that because if you speak it you could do more self-development and have access to more useful stuff.

-Hobbies. English gives more opportunities for hobbies because you can watch more guides or ask for help from more people. Also it can help you find mates with the same hobby and do it together.

-Career and success. If you speak English you can work on a better job or even abroad and have more success and a better career.

-Rest and energy. English may help you find many interesting things to do during free time and have more fun.

I want to learn English because I have a dream to study abroad and want to travel. English gives me opportunities to talk to foreigners, watch films and read books in the most widespread language of the world. Besides that I use the internet every day and English is the most popular language there, so it is easier for me to search for information. As a whole I think nowadays everyone should speak English just a little no matter where he lives.

I've chosen LEC because this school is one of the best English schools in Krasnoyarsk. I've been studying here for three years. During this time I've reached Upper-Intermediate level starting from the basics. Now I can communicate with natives, read texts and watch movies without any problems. And I really enjoy it.