There were two reasons I came to Love English Club, the first it is my teacher Alexei. At the very beginning when my father brought me there, it had been his desire that I learn English. And exactly Alexei made me take up English seriously and he made me love English, but one day we separated by destiny, I was hoping against hope that we would meet again and I would continue my study and it happened. The second is the methods of studying, they appear to me efficient, a conversation during the entire lesson in English seemed to me unreal before I started learning, but it is real and it matches your level of English and no one requires more than you can.
The reason I learn English is obvious but despite it, I suppose, it is а prudent decision because a lot of books are written in English and some books I fancy to read are exactly in English.
There is no doubt that learning English changes something. As for me, I got a notebook to write down new words and an electronic book to read, I am immersed in reading Harry Potter and the next my unreached aim so far is «The lord of the rings» that as the god standing at the top of the flight of steps. The main change is that I can have a whale of time when I learn English.
I have reached the intermediate level and I have read one book from the Harry Potter series in English at present. I have increased my vocabulary but of course it is still not so large as I wish it would be.
Nevertheless, I want to make an attempt to achieve enough vocabulary to read books freely, finish the intermediate level and keep going further, read «The lord of the rings» and I want to be good at listening.