Two years ago, my life turned into a little disaster. I was looking around myself and thinking: "why is this happening?" I've had awful classmates in my own school, toxic teachers in my vocal club and also language school, which I hated because of boringness.
What kind of boringness? Well, it was like punching a wall with a stick. There was a group of ten students, and most of them were as dumb as kettles. In this group, I was a "knowledge leader".
And when my friend told me that there is a school, where you can almost always have private lessons with your teacher, I forced my parents to sign me in.
My main goal about English is to learn it well, so I can live in foreign country and also get an education. Nowadays, I use English to watch movies and musicals in original voice overs, read books and novels, and of course, to study.
I think my English got better after a year of studying here, that's why now I can speak it almost fluently. Exceptions are some rare and complicated words, but I'm working on it. That's happened because of the structure of our educational process, where we talk almost all the time of our lessons.
Now, I don't have that many achievements or scores in this school, but I know that I will have some. And I hope that this place is gonna give me that much knowledge and information, that I can even be an English teacher myself.