


В Love English Club учить английский просто, с нами вы быстро и легко будете достигать поставленных целей
Составим индивидуальные программы для сотрудников и приведём к результату в комфортном темпе
Keep up & Enjoy your English
Спартанская программа максимум для тех, кто готов быстро и качественно выучить английский и достичь своей цели
Make it fast
Переход на новый уровень знаний уже через месяц
Даже если ваш сотрудник никогда не изучал английский язык
С нами вам будет по плечу любая амбициозная цель: повышение коммуникативных навыков для преодоления речевого барьера с иностранными коллегами, английский для деловой переписки, наращивание бизнес-связей.

Каждая ваша цель – наша главная задача и основной приоритет.

С Love English Club вы сможете выучить английский быстро и легко.
С первого занятия мы начнём правильно говорить на английском языке...
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Мы против стандартного обучения. Никакой воды, сомнительных контрольных...
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Внимание преподавателя будет полностью сосредоточено на достижении цели каждого...
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Почему именно программа
приведёт ваших сотрудников к результату?
Love English Club
Определим ваш уровень английского
Расскажем о нашей методике и гарантиях
Составим план достижения вашей цели
ПОЛНАЯ оплата
за вашего сотрудника
Частичная оплата
за вашего сотрудника
Love English Club – это инвестиция с высокой процентной ставкой роста, так как вы инвестируете в качественное образование своего коллектива. Если через месяц вы и ваш коллектив не увидите результатов, мы гарантировано вернём оплату.
Уважение и лояльность со стороны коллектива. Знание английского языка помогут вашим сотрудникам и в работе, и за её пределами.
Возможность работать с перспективными зарубежными партнёрами, не прибегая к помощи команды переводчиков. Вы и ваш коллектив сможете говорить с носителями на одном языке.
Высокий профессиональный уровень сотрудников. Вы сможете смело поручать коллективу амбициозные зарубежные проекты, будучи уверенным, что команда с ними справится.
Что вы, как работодатель,
в Школе Love English Club:
в образование сотрудников
Авторская методика -
гарантированный результат
Определим ваш уровень английского
Расскажем о нашей методике и гарантиях
Составим план достижения вашей цели


листай (нажми на отзыв)
Данила Апарин
What is «Love English Club» for me? I can't answer to this question. I started to learn English in June and I think it's too early to do conclusions. I don't sure, that I have an appropriate level to do this task. It's a strange feeling to write in English, it even looks different. I need more water to fill this essay. Oh, it's a nice start, I think. I've wrote several sentences. I need a break. Few moments later... Ok, I just must answer to questions, it will be easy, I can do it. I came to «Love English Club»... I only now got it, that I didn't know its name before. I came to «Love English Club» because it is nearest school. This is very important to me. I can't concentrate, when I at home. Live communication gives me more. I have many goals in my live. Most of them connected with English. I know English will help me to reach success. It feels like very boring. I see, in next question, I must emphasize on those words, which wrote of big letter. When I started to learn English, I entered in the world of new sensations. In this wonderful world I am like a researcher. I'm trying to go through this wild jungle. I'm meeting many different animals and plants. it is exciting, scary and unusually at the same time. I'm seeing my goal in front of me. I'm going. I'm crawling. I'm climbing. I will do it. It's almost in my hand… Ok, it was funny. In real life I wake up every Wednesday and every Friday trying to do my homework in time. I don't like to do it at the last minute, but I can't change myself. Now, I'm writing it at night on Wednesday. I think, it is a short period since I started to learn English. It didn't change my life. It just became a part of my life. This essay is an achievement. One month ago, I couldn't say any words. I think, you need to ask my teacher about my achievements it will be more correctly. Now, I have 90% Elementary level, but it is only start. It will be nice, if I will reach 91%. I want to reach all that I want. I'm tired. It was interested. I don't want even to read it. I hope, it doesn't have many mistakes.

P.S. I hope, next task won't be song.
Денис Раут
1. I chose your school because its location is comfortable for me.

2. I learn English because I am using it in my work, also to communicate with my relatives, sometimes I need to read or watch something in English.

3. Everything is constantly changing despite the fact of my dive into another language world. Actually most of the time I don't dive into worlds and I swim in the Russian language area.

4. As my teacher tells - I achieved glorious and colossal results in your school.

5. It would be great to reach Europe one more time till the end of this year. Or the question was about my hopes about future achievements in English? In this case - I want to make no mistakes at all :)
Екатерина Спиридонова
English is the most widely spoken language in the world. it is spoken by dozens, hundreds and thousands of people all over the planet! There are also those who learn English, because it is not their native language. These people study it in order to communicate freely with people from different countries, in order to know the words of songs and books. Someone wants to be able to read in English, and I am sure that it will be useful to him, and someone has decided to study, live and work abroad at all. Also, learning English helps to develop thinking, which is why parents so often hire tutors for children and in the future a child can achieve good results in life and understand what he wants and how to use English for his own purposes!
Ирина Плотникова
Why am I learning English ? I can answer. Language is a key which opens many doors. For example, the world of travel. My dream is to organize independent trips for my family . I want to book hotels and tickets myself . I also want to go on a trip abroad by my car . The next door is communication with foreigners . I want to study the culture and traditions of other peoples without translators . Also, knowledge of the language will help you to attend various seminars. Once I was at such a seminar , and it's cool to understand the speaker . I have been studying English for two years .And now I will be able not only to listen, but also to ask questions . Studying at my school develops my horizons . Watching various videos and reading articles and the news gives me interesting new information . I don't like to read books . But sometimes, if I do my homework, i have to do it . And the most interesting thing is that it's exciting and i can't tear myself away . My daughter also learns English . And I think it's important to keep up and have an English level no lower than your child's . In addition, the world is developing . English is everywhere, and you must develop and be in the trend .
Кира Сапега
It's not a secret that English is the most popular and widespread language in the world nowadays. There are plenty of reasons for that. Firstly, it's the language of English literature and Shakespeare. Secondly, it has become a really important in various fields, such as, tourism, business, medicine, education, IT, law, etc. Thirdly, English is a melodic and practical language to learn. Other than that, knowledge of English opens endless opportunities in career development and studies. Many international students travel to English-speaking countries to improve their knowledge and speaking skills. They know that this guarantees rapid career development in the future, because almost all modern spheres of commerce and business are based on English.

The skill of English I would like to strengthen most is listening and speaking. I think that listening to and speaking English are the most important things for me. There are many ways of improving my listening skill. My way is watching American movies with focusing on sound of speaking. I like American movies, comedies and TV dramas. I don't like studying, so I want to enjoy studying. The reasons for learning languages vary. However, everyone agrees that all languages are meant to help in communication process. In my opinion, it's good to be born in a multi-lingual family. It means the child will grow up knowing several languages. Otherwise, it's necessary to learn foreign languages at school, university or any other institution.
Полина Бондаренко
My name is Polina and I have been studying at the love English club for about three years. My education began with the fact that I met a boy who had not been studying at this school for a long time, but could already speak English at a good level. I was very inspired and wanted to try to improve my English skills. I used to be afraid to talk and meet foreigners, but now I can calmly talk and ask people in another country. When my mother first heard how I began to speak in another language, she was very happy, but still did not understand what we were talking about. This language opens up many possibilities for me. I study English not only for exams, but also for myself and my future life. My travels will be more interesting and fun with new acquaintances. I have studied English since the second grade at school, but I have not achieved the desired results. It was the English school that helped me expand my knowledge and learn a lot of new grammar. It's funny that after classes with my teacher Anastasia, I began to think in a different language. After the start of classes in the love English club, all my teachers at school began to praise me and for 3 years I did not receive a single bad grade. Now I have started to study level 3, but I am not going to stop. My teacher helps me a lot, it is with her that we go through new grammar and new words every lesson. Thanks to your school for the knowledge gained and only good emotions!
Сергей Плотников
English is the most popular language in the world. We use it in tourism, business, medicine, education, information technology, law, etc. In addition, the English language opens up limitless opportunities in career development and in training. Many people go to English-speaking countries to improve their knowledge and skills. It gives them career development, because almost all modern areas of production and business are based on English. When I worked in a large company in Krasnoyarsk, I realized this, and decided to improve my English. My wife advised me to come to my school- Love English Club. I met my school. Previously, I did not understand the importance of learning English, I did not take these lessons seriously. When I was a schoolboy, I had good teachers, and they put a good mark on my memory. In addition to school, I encountered English at the institute and at advanced training courses – the "presidential program". The main problem of our education is that teachers do not motivate the student . And the stude The main problem of our education is that teachers do not motivate the student . And the student quickly loses

his motivation. At the moment, I work in a Moscow company for the extraction of precious metals. With LEC , I realized that this is a completely different level in language learning. You have a different principle in relation to the teacher to the student. Now I have a desire to learn and most importantly, I am going to the goal and see progress. I am sure that I made the right choice of school. Now I can read documentation in English, communicate fluently with foreign colleagues, and answer letters . And this ability is very much appreciated in large companies. In addition, in my life, I became interested in listening to foreign music and speech, for example, at the airport. I am really looking forward to the opening of the borders and I will be able to apply my English in my travel. I am proud of myself and I am happy to tell my friends about my school.