What is «Love English Club» for me? I can't answer to this question. I started to learn English in June and I think it's too early to do conclusions. I don't sure, that I have an appropriate level to do this task. It's a strange feeling to write in English, it even looks different. I need more water to fill this essay. Oh, it's a nice start, I think. I've wrote several sentences. I need a break. Few moments later... Ok, I just must answer to questions, it will be easy, I can do it. I came to «Love English Club»... I only now got it, that I didn't know its name before. I came to «Love English Club» because it is nearest school. This is very important to me. I can't concentrate, when I at home. Live communication gives me more. I have many goals in my live. Most of them connected with English. I know English will help me to reach success. It feels like very boring. I see, in next question, I must emphasize on those words, which wrote of big letter. When I started to learn English, I entered in the world of new sensations. In this wonderful world I am like a researcher. I'm trying to go through this wild jungle. I'm meeting many different animals and plants. it is exciting, scary and unusually at the same time. I'm seeing my goal in front of me. I'm going. I'm crawling. I'm climbing. I will do it. It's almost in my hand… Ok, it was funny. In real life I wake up every Wednesday and every Friday trying to do my homework in time. I don't like to do it at the last minute, but I can't change myself. Now, I'm writing it at night on Wednesday. I think, it is a short period since I started to learn English. It didn't change my life. It just became a part of my life. This essay is an achievement. One month ago, I couldn't say any words. I think, you need to ask my teacher about my achievements it will be more correctly. Now, I have 90% Elementary level, but it is only start. It will be nice, if I will reach 91%. I want to reach all that I want. I'm tired. It was interested. I don't want even to read it. I hope, it doesn't have many mistakes.
P.S. I hope, next task won't be song.